Schedule of Classes and Programs for 2017/2018:
ALL classes being promptly at 7:30 pm
Orientation Meeting - Congregation Beth Emeth, Wednesday, October 25
Israel and Zionism - Congregation Beth Shalom, Thursday, October 26 & November 2
Orienting & Resources - Congregation Beth El, Thursday, November 9 & 16
Liturgy - Congregation Beth El, Thursday, November 30, December 8 & 16
Hebrew Marathon - Adas Kodesch Shel Emeth, Sunday, TBA, 12pm until 3pm with Dana Berman, Community Shelicha
Life Cycle - Congregation Beth Emeth, Wednesday, January 10, 17 & 24
Federation Shabbat - Congregation Beth Shalom, Friday, January 26
Mid-Year Music Practicum - Congregation Beth Shalom, Thursday, February 8 with Cantor Elisa Abrams
History - Adas Kodesch Shel Emeth, Thursday, February 1, 15, 22
Basic Beliefs of Judaism - Congregation Beth Shalom, Thursday, March 1, 8, 15
Sacred Texts - Congregation Beth Emeth, Wednesday, April 18, 25 & May 2
Holidays, Holy Days and Festivals - Congregation Beth El, Thursday, May 10, 17, 24
Graduation - Congregation Beth El, June 7
Want more information and the Introduction to Judaism Class?
Contact Rabbi Yair D. Robinson or Rabbi Elisa F. Koppel and they will be happy to discuss the program with you.
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