We start our day with T'filah then find the appropriate grade at the appropriate time and click on the Zoom link provided.  Some teachers will also have a digital classroom that will have weekly assignments and messages from you teachers.  Please make sure you check those as well during the week.

T'filah - 9:00 - 9:20 - Everyone


Consecration (K/1)

Judiacs - 10:10-10:35

Emma Leibowitz

Third Grade

Hebrew - 9:25-10:00

Aleph - Sarah Kittinger      Supplemental Learning

Judiacs - 10:10-10:45

Sarah Kittinger

Fourth Grade

Hebrew - 9:25-10:00

Bet - Ilana Miniman

Judiacs - 10:10-10:55

Faith Zaback

Fifth Grade

Hebrew - 9:25-10:00

Gimel - Kendra Rosner

Bet - Rachel Greenspan

Judiacs - 10:10-10:55

Kendra Rosner

B'nai Mitzvah Skills Class (for 7th graders that did NOT get this class last year)

Cantor Flynn

Seventh Grade


Leadership Developement - 9:25-10:00

Aaron Nayer

Judiacs - 10:10-10:55

Aaron Nayer

David Brown

Mitkadem Resource

Confirmation Class

Tzedakah Donation HERE